Harold Charles Bold

  This morning I sat down to my new Roland Digital Intelligent Grant Piano and decided to compose something about Harold. You are listening to Rain Waltz. While it plays, let's continue our conversation about Harold Bold. He came to UT-Austin in 1957 from Vanderbilt University, the same year I arrived, but obviously under quite different circumstances! He was the master teacher, and I was the fledgling freshman. Yet, somehow, two people with very different origins and backgrounds came together with a common goal, to teach and to learn. Back to my job washing glassware and making culture media. Harold was pleased with my work and gave me more responsibility transferring cultures. With all those "brains" such as Bruce Parker, Temd Deason, and Larry Hoffman around the lab, I was somewhat intimidated, but still, everyone was really helpful, and the research atmosphere was simply "electric" with excitment and discovery.
Click on Harold's photo to learn and hear more!
Rain Waltz Will Play
(this is a standard MIDI-1 file)

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