Harold Charles Bold
     Here is a photo of Harold C. Bold on very familiar grounds, his office on the second floor of the Biological Labatoratory Building on the UT-Austin campus. Take a close look! See that light bulb which is marked with an orange spot? This is the illumination source for his Botany 320 Lab. The bulb was placed in a porcelain holder and an aluminum funnel was placed on top of the bulb to shield the user from the light. It should be noted that this method failed to shield the user from burns!  By the way, if you will look under Harold's right elbow in the background, you will see one of these aluminum funnels! A green spot marks a sterile glass cannister of  Pasteur pipettes which were always around the lab.
    Harold liked polk dot ties. Although BLUE was his favorite color, the black & white photo does not do this justice; however, Harold was very fond of gray, so the photo fits in very well with his choice.  He was chairman of the UT Faculty Senate and knew the names of more faculty members than any other faculty, for sure!
    Many of you former students will remember the first large reunion of his former students at Caldwell, Texas in the mid 1960's. The outcome of that reunion was the initiation of the BOLD AWARD by Bruce and Malcolm through the sale of a book by Harold's former students, "Contributions in Phycology". If you would like to visit the site dedicated to this book, click on the thumbnail of Harold below:
Photo of Harold C. Bold from the book, "Contributions in Phycology"


Click on this thumbnail to view images from Caldwell, 1967.

    Perhaps the most impressive images on Harold Bold came from the 1987 Banquet that we former students held in his honor here on the UT-Austin campus. The banquet was held in the faculty club and more than 30 of his former students were able to attend. I will have complete details of this in the Austin Banquet page below!

Click on this thumbnail to learn more about his last reunion with his students in April, 1987 (photos never before shown, taken from the video). More than 63 thumbnails and enlarged photos!

New! 5 VIDEO CLIPS (*.avi) with Harold talking!
(right click on broken icon, then "save image as" to your computer. Then play it!
This video (5,135K) describes telling his students that at 4PM he was going home because he HAD his Ph.D. The person to whom he told it said, " You got it so long ago it's obsolete!" This is a classic HCB story, and his gestures and voice seem so alive!
(right click on broken icon, then "save image as" to your computer. Then play it!
This video (2,133K) shows Harold "feeling his pulse" because he said that he felt the statement from a former student "sounded like a eulogy!"
(right click on broken icon, then "save image as" to your computer. Then play it!
This video (2,629K) shows Harold saying, " I would like to say that this is an example of jealousy rearing its ugly head!"
(right click on broken icon, then "save image as" to your computer. Then play it!
This video (3,150K) shows David Brown describing Malcolm's frustration at "having" to call Harold, Harold, upon completing his PhD! Well, Harold told David to call him HAROLD when David was an undergraduate student!
(right click on broken icon, then "save image as" to your computer. Then play it!
This video (5,578K) shows Harold's closing remarks thanking everyone for coming.
COMING SOON! A complete list of Harold's students with addresses, emails, etc. so that we all can stay in better contact with one another. Please HELP me secure a complete list! Also, what else would you like to see on this website? Give me ideas, and I will try to implement them. Email me RIGHT NOW if you have helpful information to me. Simply click HERE
Chopin Will Play

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