98. Brown, Jr. R. M., Haigler, C. H., Suttie, J., White, A. R., Roberts, E., Smith, C., Itoh, T., and K. Cooper. 1983. The biosynthesis and degradation of cellulose. Journal of Applied Polymer Science: Applied Polymer Symposium 37:33-78.

98. Introduction

Within the past years since the 8th Cellulose Conference convened, the field of cellulose biogenesis has made significant progress. We are now on the verge of understanding how cellulose microfibrils are assembled by living cells. The breakthrough in this research has taken a circuitous pathway involving biochemical, ultrastructural, and cytological research methods. In this presentation, we cover the more recent and exciting advancements in cellulose biogenesis with the objectives of providing a groundwork for continuing and future investigations.

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Last modified 27 October 2005.
This document is maintained by Dr. R. Malcolm Brown, Jr.