145. Okuda, K. and R. M. Brown, Jr. 1992. A new putative cellulose-synthesizing complex of Coleochaete scutata. Protoplasma 168:51-63.

145. Abstract

Cells of the charophycean alga, Coleochaete scutata active in cell wall formation were freeze fractured in the search for cellulose synthesizing complexes (TCs) since this alga is considered to be among the most advanced and a progenitor to land plant evolution. We have found a new TC which consists of two geometrically distinctive particle complexes complementary to one another in the plasma membrane and occasionally associated with microfibril impressions. In the E-fracture face is found a cluster of 8-50 closely packed particles, each with a diameter of 5-17 nm. Most of these particles are confined within an 80 nm circle. In the P-fracture face is found an 8-fold symmetrical arrangement of 10 nm particles circumferentially arranged around a 28 nm central particle. The TCs of C. scutata are quite distinctive from the rosette/globule TCs of land plants. The 5.5 x 3.1nm microfibril in C. scutata is also distinctive from the 3.5 x 3.5 nm microfibril typical of land plants. The phylogenetic implications of this unique TC in land plant evolution are discussed.

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Last modified 27 October 2005.
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