111. Kuga, S. and R. M. Brown, Jr. 1987. Practical aspects of lattice imaging of cellulose. J. Electron Mic. Tech. 6:349-356.

111. Abstract

The lattice imaging technique for cellulose, a typical electron-beam-sensitive material, was developed by using a conventional 120 kV electron microscope. Routine procedures for specimen preparation and high resolution, low dose electron microscopy are described in detail. A new, simple method was introduced for the preparation of a Formvar micronet to support the thin carbon film. The lattice imaging technique was successfully applied to algal celluloses as well as bacterial cellulose, which is composed of much smaller crystallites than the former. Digital image processing was found to be effective in enhancing the lattice images. The bacterial cellulose ribbon contained crystallites 10-25-nm wide, which is much greater than the basic unit of cellulose fibril extruded from the cell surface. This shows that unit fibrils can fasciate with each other, merging into a single crystallite.

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