110. Hotchkiss, Jr. A. T., and R. M. Brown, Jr. 1987. The association of rosette and globule terminal complexes with cellulose microfibril assembly in Nitella translucens var. axillaris (Charophyceae). J. Phycol. 23:229-237.

110. Abstract

A freeze-fracture investigation of the putative cellulose synthesizing complex (terminal complex) morphology in Nitella translucens var. axillaris (A. Br.) R. D. W. internodal cells revealed single solitary EF globules and PF rosettes on the plasma membrane. The average density of rosettes in elongating internodal cells was 5.6 m-2 with slight spatial variation observed. In only three other algal genera (all zygnematalean) have rosette/globule terminal complexes been observed, while this characteristic is common to all vascular plants and one moss thus far investigated. This evidence strongly suggests that the rosette type of terminal complex morphology is an additional characteristic of charophycean algae and lends further support to the hypothesis that this group of algae represents the evolutionary line that gave rise to vascular plants. Observations were also made from the freeze-fracture of Nitella internodal cells concerning the orientation of cell wall microfibrils and cytoskeletal elements near the plasma membrane. The pattern of microfibril orientation in growing internodal cells is initially transverse to the cell long axis, becoming progressively axial presumably due to the strain of elongation. In mature internodal cells, the pattern of microfibril orientation is helicoidal. Microtubules appressed to the inner surface of the plasma membrane are oriented parallel to the most recently formed microfibrils in elongating and mature internodal cells.

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Last modified 27 October 2005.
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