"Many are called, but one is chosen"1
"Of those that run in the race, only one (usually) receiveth the prize." 2
And similarly,
when confronted with a taxonomic dilemma, we
may repeat an expression which goes back to Dr. Bold's
professor, the late Dr. Robert A. Harper and perhaps
even to
Harper's major professor, the renowned Dr. Eduard Strasburger:
"Nature mocks at human categories."
1 In reference
to the number of juvenile sporophytes which develop from
more than one zygote on a single gametophyte.
2 In reference
to polyembryony and seed development in conifers.
Before the
banquet at Caldwell ended, Dr. Bold rose to
recount humorous events in the predoctoral lives of each
of his
former students in attendance. It was then and subsequently
that the idea for this small book congealed--a book to
contributions of a select number of Dr. Bold's former
thereby reflecting a portion of his impact, as a great
upon the botanical world. This book, however humble,
is sym-
bolic of the inspiration given by him to us and to many
HAROLD C. BOLD was born in New York City, June 16, 1909.
He received his B.A. degree from Columbia University
in 1929,
his M.S. from the University of Vermont in 1931, and
his Ph.D.
from Columbia in 1933. Positions held by Dr. Bold include:
Instructor of Botany, University of Vermont (1929-31).
Instructor of Biology, Vanderbilt University (1931-9).
Visiting Lecturer (1939-40) and Assistant Professor of
Botany, Barnard College, Columbia University (1940-2);
U.S. Naval Reserve, active duty (1942-5);
Associate Professor (1946-9) and Professor of Biology,
Vanderbilt University (1949-57).
Professor of Botany, University of Texas (1957-);
Chairman, Dept, of Botany, University of Texas (1962-7);
Chairman, Division of Biological Science, University of
Texas (1967-).
Dr. Bold also has held a number of summer appointments
such institutions as the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
(1934-7) and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods
Massachusetts (1954-8). He has served as Secretary (1955-8),
Vice-President (1965), and President (1968) of the Botanical
Society of America, Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal
Botany (1958-65), and President of the Phycological Society
America (1955-6).
This book has
at least one unique mission: It is destined to serve as a means
by which we (the students of Harold Bold) hope to establish
one or more annual
awards to encourage outstanding work in the field of
phycology, especially the
aspect of teaching. In view of this mission and the book's
dedication to Harold
Bold by his former students, this volume contains exclusively
original contribu-
tions by authors who were exposed, at some time in the
past, to Harold Bold's
teaching and/or research.
The editors
and authors of this small book would be pretentious even to suggest
that the contents herein represents a cross section of
the broad area encompassed
by Bold's 60 or more Ph.D. students. Indeed, a number
of these students are not
phycologists, but specialize in other areas of botanical
or microbiological study.
Neither does this book cover any single area of phycology
intensively. Rather,
the reader will find here a variety of topics, including
reports of original research
and a few essays, with generally similar formats but
written in the individual
author's styles, and for the purpose of informing the
student, teacher, and re-
searcher of algae of current trends in the modern field
of phycology.
The struggle
to publish this book has not been without trauma. The book
went to press in August 1970, and passed through the
hands of two printers
before the editors were satisfied with the quality of
reproduction of photo- and
electron-micrographs. As a result of these delays, we
apologize humbly for a few
reference citations, addresses and statements in the
bibliographic section, and
occasional statements which may deserve some up-dating.
All profits
from the sale of this book will go toward establishing the one or
more awards referred to above. In achieving this goal,
we shall remain perpet-
ually grateful to a number of Harold Bold's former students
for their assistance
in financing the publication of this book. They are:
Gina Arce, Pat Archibald,
Emily Bell, Harry Bischoff, Malcolm Brown, Neal Buffaloe,
Srisumon Chantana-
chat, Elenor Cox, Temd Deason, Richard Dykstra, Peter
Edwards, Robert Groover,
Waiter Herndon, Larry Hoffman, Don Kapraun, Norma Lang,
Bob McLean, Karl
Matter, Jerome Metzner, Rev. John Mullahy, Bruce Parker,
George Pessoney,
Takashi Sawa, Eugene Shen, Richard Smith, Richard Starr,
Dempsey Thomas,
Frank Trainer, Pat Walne.
Borodinellopsis texensis:
Gen. et sp. nov. A new alga from the
A circumscription of the genus Protosiphon, BY DEMPSEY L. THOMAS
Stichococcus seguoieti sp. nov., BY GINA ARCE
Nutritional attributes as taxonomic tools in phycology, BY RICHARD L. SMITH
On the evolution of isogamy to oogamy, BY BRUCE C. PARKER
Part II. Morphology and Cytology
The effect of aging on thylakoid configuration and granular
inclusions in
Sexual reproduction in Volvox africanus, BY RICHARD C. STARR
The male initial and mitosis in Volvox, BY TEMD
Development of, form in Scenedesmus, BY FRANCIS R. TRAINOR
Observations on the fine structure of Oedogonium.
VII. The oogonium
prior to fertilization, BY LARRY R. HOFFMAN
Comparative ultrastructure of eyespots in selected euglenoid
flagellates, BY PATRICIA L. WALNE
The ultrastructure of the theca of the marine dinoflagellate,
loeblichii sp. nov, BY ELENOR
Part III. Ecology and Physiology
Zoosporogenesis and resistant-cell formation in Hormidium
Formation and resistance of akinetes of Zygnema,
Cultivation of Chara in defined medium, BY EUGENE Y. F. SHEN
Effects of light intensity, daylength, and temperature
on growth and
reproduction of Calithamnion byssoides, BY PETER
Studies of Hawaiian fresh-water and soil algae. I. The
dispersal of algae and fern spores across the island
of Oahu,
ARCHIBALD, PATRICIA-b.. Olney, Ill., 1934;
Dept. of Biology, Slippery Rock College, Slippery
Rock, Pa.
Education--B.S., M.A., Ball State University, 1961; Ph.D., University
of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience-Instructor, Elkhart' Senior High School, Elkhart,
Ind. 1959-6~;
instructor, Palm Beach Jr. College, Lake Worth, Florida, 19~i4~6; instructor,
Kuyahoga Com-
munity College, Cleveland, Ohio, 196~-67; Assistant Prof., Slippery
Pock College, Slippery
Rock, Pa., 19~9-
Dissertdiorz-"A Study of Bog Algal Flora with Special Reference to
the Genus Chloro-
Interests-Teaching phycoaogy, morphology; research, algae, particularly
of bogs, algae of
acid mine polluted streams, Latin America Chlolrococcales.
BAKER, AILSIE FAYE-b. Memphis, Term., 1944;
Dept. of Biological Sciences, Chicol State Col-
lege, Chico, Calif.
EdUCd~07t--B.A., Univ. of Tenn., 196~; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Expe7·ielz~:e-·Assistal~:t Prof., Dept. of Biological
Sciences, Chico State College,
Chico, Calif.
Dissertation-"Tax~nor~lic Studies in the Oscillatoriaceae."
BELL, EMLLY J.-b. Chattan~K>ga, Tenn.,
June 20, 19·27; Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Education--B.A., Wesleyan College, 1948; M.A., Vanderbilt Univ., 19~9;
Ph.D., Vanderbnt
Univ., 1953.
Academic Experi~nce-Instructor in Biology, Vanderbilt Univ., 1951-52;
Instructor in Baci
teriology, Univ. of Keautucky, 1952c53; Instructor in Biocher~)listry,
Vanderbilt Univ. School of
Medicine, 19~F~i355; Assistant Prof. of B~ochre~kistry, Vanderbilt
Univ. School of Medicine, 1.955-
57; Assistant Prof. of Bacteriology, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1957~0; Associate
Prd. of Bacteriolo:gy,
Univ. of Cinc3hnati, 1961-67; Prof. of Bacteriology, Univ. of Cinciz~ati,
Honors and Azliards-Post-doctoIral, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National
195;P55~; Interamerican Fellow for training in Tropical Medicine, N.I.H.,
July 19~1; Inter-
american Research Fellow, Caracas, VenezueZa, 1963; Interamerican Research
Fellow, Caribbean
area, summer 19~7; Invited participant, First International Congress
of Parasitology, Rome,
Italy, 1964; Diplomate in Public Health and Medical Laboratozy Bacteriology
from the American
Academy of Microbiology.
Dissertationc"A Physiological Study of Chlamydomofir~s ch2rrmydogarmr
Bold" (also with
Dr. Ilda McVeigh).
Interests-Teaching, bacteriology, ~immunology; research, micro;bial
physiology with em-
phasis on the metabolic regulation of intermediary metabolism.
BISCHOFF, HARRY W.-b. Evansville, Ind.,
May 15, 19~22; Dept. of Biology; Texas Lutheran
College, Seguirq Texas.
Educatio~-B.A., Evansville Univ., 19·Q~; M.S., Vanderbilt Univ.,
1952; Ph.D., Univ. of
Texas, Austin; 1963.
Parker and Brown
Academic Experienc~LPro·f. of Biology and Chairman, Dept. of
Biology, Texas Lutheran
College, 1950-
Honors and Award~--NSF Faculty Fellowship, Austin, Texas, 1959; NSF
Academic Year
Extension Grant, 1983, 19~4.
Dissertatio~c"I. The Soil Algal Flora of En~hanted Rock, II. Thorea
rieket sp. nov. and
Related Species."
Interests--Teaching, biology; research, fresh-water, soil, and marine
algae, aquatic liver-
worts and phytoplankton.
BROWN, JR., RICHARD MACOLM-b. Pampa, ?'exas,
Jan. 2, 1939; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of
North Carolina, Chael Hill, N. C.
Educatiot~--B.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 19~1; Ph.D., 1964.
Academic Experience-Assistant Prd. of Botany, Univ. of Texas, Austin,
1965-8&; Associate
Prof. of Botany, Univ. of N.C., 196·8-
Honors and Awards--NSF Undergraduate Research Fellow, summers, 1960161;
doctoral Research, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, summers, 1964-65, Univ.
of Texas, 1984-65;
NSF Post-doctoral Fellow, Botanisches Institut der Universitat, Freiburg,
West Germany, 1968-
Dissertation-"Comparative Studies of the Algal Genera Tetmcystis and
It~erests--Teaching, fresh-water phycology, gen~eo~al biology, plant
cytology, plant ultra-
structure; research, algal viruses, air-borne algae, Golgi apparatus
and cell wall formation,
lichen ultrastructure, pyrenoid structure and function, systematics,
morphology, and ulh-a-
structure of chrysophycean algae, biochemical systematics of cklorophycean
algae, scientific
research and teaching films of algae.
Ark., Nov. 15, 1924; Dept. of Biological Science,
State College of Ark., Conway, Ark.
Educc~ion--B.S., David Lipscomb College, 1949; M.S., Vanderbilt Univ.,
1952; Ph.D., 1957.
Academic Erperienc~--Prof. of Biology and Chairman, State College of
Ark., 1957-
HonM·s and Awards--President, Ark. Academy of Science, 1959-60.
Dissertation--"A Cytological Study of Four Species of Chlamydomonas."
Interests--Teaching, microbiology, genetics, history and philosophy
of biological science;
research, cytology of algae, writing of textbooks in the biological
CAIN, BROTHER JOSEPH R.-b. Indianapolis,
Ind., April 13, 1933; I)ept, of Biology, St. Edwards
Univ., Austin, Texas.
Education--B.S., St. Edwards Univ., 1955; M.S., Univ. of Notre Dame,
1961; Ph.D., Univ.
of Texas, Austin, 1963.
Academic Experience--Prof, of Biology, St. Edwards Univ., 1963-
Disse7tatiotc"The Morphology, Taxonomy, and Physiology of Thirty-eight
onas-like Algae."
Interests--Teaching, cryptogamic botany; research, biology of Chlamydomonas
and other
fresh-water chlorophycean algae, m~rphology of various cryptogar~s
from central Texas.
Thailand, March 23, 1933; Dept. of Botany,
Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand.
Educaticm--B.S., Chulalongkorn Univ., 1956; M.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience--Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Sciences,
korn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand, 1~2·
Thesis--"An Investigation of the Algae in Desert Soils."
mterests--TTeaching, phycology.
COX, ELENOR RAY-b. Georgetown, Texas, Nov.
4, 1930; Dept. of Biology, Texas A&M Univ.,
College Station, Texas.
Edzrcation--B.A., Rice Univ., 1952; M.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1961;
Ph.D., 1968.
Academic Experi~~ce-Assistant Prof., Dept. of Biology, Texas A&M
Univ., 1966-
ContribuZions in Phycology
Dissertdion-"Taxonomic, Morphological and Physiological Studies of
the Algal Genus
InterestJLTaaching, fresh-water and marine phyoo;logy; research, fresh-water
and marine
dinoflagellates, epiphytic algae, algal ultrastructure, systematics
and morphology.
DEASON, TEMD ROBERT-b. York, Ale., Oct.
13, 1931; Dept. of Biological Science; Univ. of
Ala., University, Ala.
Educdiott--TE.S., Univ. of Ale., 1454; M.S., 1958; Ph.D., Univ. of
Texas, Austin, 1960.
Academic E~perience-Assistant Prof. of Biological Science, Univ. of
Delaware, 1960-6~1;
Assistant Prof. of Biology, Univ. of Ala., 1961-63; Associate Prof.
of Biology, Univ. of Ala.,
Honors and Azoar~--Secretary, Ala. Chapter of the Sigma Xi, 196&
Dissertation-''Exploratory Studies of Texas Soil Algae."
interests-Teaching and research, morphology and taxonomy of fresh-water
algae, algal
DYKSTRA, RICHARD F.-b. HU11, Iowa, April
17, 1940; Uni~. Texas, Austin.
Edz~cation--B.S., Iowa State Univ., 1963; M.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Honors crmd Awards-Society of Sigma Xi.
Dissertation--"An Investigation of Some Algae of the Texas Gulf Coast."
Interests--Teaching, general botany, general biology, phycology; research,
morphology and
physiology of algae.
EDWARDS, PETER-b. Chorley, Lancashire,
England, July 4, 1943; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of
Durham, England.
Education--B.S. (biology), Univ. of Liverpool, England, 1965; B.S.
(botany), Univ. of
Liverpool, Englanld, 19~6~; Ph.D., Unjv. Texas, Austin, 1969.
Academic Experience-Post-doctoral Fellowship, Dept. of Bot., Univ.
of Durham, England,
Dissertation--"Field and Cultural Studies of the Seasonal Periodicity
of Growth and
Reproduction of Selected Texas Marine Algae."
Interests-Experimental marine, algal ecology, bryology.
GROOVER, ROBERT DON-b. Harts~lle, Ala.,
April 29, 1938; Dept. of Biology, Tulanle Univ.,
New Orleans, La.
Education--B.S., Univ. of Ale., 1960; M.S., 19~6~; Ph.D., Univ. of
Texas, Austin, 1908.
Academic Experience-Instructor of Biology, Ala. College, 1963-86; Assistant
Prof. of
Biology, Tulane Univ., 1968-
Dissertation-'%xperimental Studies on Chlorosphaeracean and other Edaphic
Interests--Teaching, phycology, plant morphology, general biology;
research, morphology
and taxonomy of algae.
HARRIS, W. BRYCE-McCauley School, Chattanooga,
Tenn. o.i.n.a.
HERNDON, WALTER R.-Dept. of Botany, Univ.
of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. o.i.n.a.
HOFFMAN, LARRY RONALD-b. Sigourney, Iowa,
May 12, 1936; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Ill.,
Urbana, Ill.
Education--B.S., Iowa State Univ., 1958; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience-Assistant Plof. of Botany, Univ. of Ill., 1982-68;
Associate Prof.
of Botany, Univ. of Ill., 196& ; sabbatic leave, Univ. of
Leeds, England, 1969-70.
Honors and Atoards--NSF Post-doctoral Fellow, Univ. of Leeds, England,
Dissertatioll~-"Studies on the Morphology, Cytology and Reproduction
of Oedogazium and
Interests--Teaching, general botany, plant morphology, phycology; research,
algal. fine
structure, with special emphasis on basal bodies, flagella, and flagellar
appendages, sexuality
in algae, morphology, cytology and reproduction in the Oedogoniales.
Parker and Brown
Texas, March 7, 1930; Dept. of Botany, Univ.
of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Education--B.A., Baylor Univ., 1951; M.R.E. (religious education),
Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, 1954; M.A., Baylor Univ., 1957; Predoctoral studies,
Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 19~j0-62 (with H. C. Bold).
Academic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Biology, Baylor Univ., 1957-60.
Honors and Azoards--NSF Teacher-Research Fellowship, 1960.
Dissertation--( Incomplete) "A Systematic Study of Algae Isolated
from Central Texas
Interests--(with Marshall C. Johnston) monograph of the Rhamnaceae
of the world.
KANTZ, JR., PAUL THOMAS-b. Jacksonville,
Texas, Jan. 21, 1941; Dept. of Biology, Sacramento
State College, Sacramento, Calif.
Education--B.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 19~3; M.A., 1965; Ph.D., 196~7.
Academic Experi~lzce-Assistant Prof. of Biology, Sacramento State College,
Dissertatio·n-"Taxon~m;ic, Morphological and Physiological Studies
of the Genera Nostoc
and Al~abaena."
Interests--Teaching, introductory biology, plant morphology, and phycology;
taxonomy and morphology of the Cyanophyta.
Ill., Sept. 13, 1945; Dept. of Biology, Univ. of
Southwestern La., Lafayette, La.
Education--B.S., Eastern Ill. Univ., 1966; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic ExpeTience-Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. at Southwestern
La., 1969-
Honors and AwarcEs--NSF Scholarship, Va. Institute of Marine Science,
summer, 1964.
Dissertntion--"Field and Cultural Studies of the Genera Ulua and Enteromorpha.''
Interests-Teaching, general biology, general botany, phycooigy; research,
phycology and marine ecolo·gy.
LANG, NORMA J.-b. Memphis, Tenn., July
25, 1931; Dept. of B·otany, Univ. of Calif., I)avis,
Education--B.S., Ohio State Univ., 1952; M.A., 1959; Ph.D., Ind. Univ.,
1962; NIH Post-
doctorate (with H. C. Bold and W. G. Whaley), Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. of Calif., Davis,
Calif., 1963-69;
Associate Prof., 1969-
Honors and Awards-NII-I Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Austin,
Texas, 1962-63;
Editorial Board, Jo2lmal of Phycology, 1987- ; Guggenheim Memorial
Foundations Fellow-
ship, 1969-70; Darbaker Award in Phycology, 1969.
Interests--Electron microscopy of blue-green algae and Volvocales,
with emphasis on sub-
cellular development and differentiation.
July 16, 1897; Dept. of Biology, Mary-
wood College, Scranton, Pa.
Educct·tion--B.S., Marywood College, 1928; M.A., Villanova Univ.,
1940; Ph.D., Fordham
Univ., 1946.
Academic Experielzce-Assistant Prof. of Biology, Marywood College,
1945-50; Associate
Prof., 1950-56; Prof., 195~-
Dissertation--"Role of Certain Environmental Factors in Growth and
Reproduction of
Protosiphon botryo·ides-~lebs.'
MATTOX, KARL R.-b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug.
22, 193tj; Dept. of Botany, Miami Univ., Oxford,
Ohio .
Education--B.S., Miami Univ., 1958; M.A., 19~0; Ph.T>., Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 196~2.
AcacE~mic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. of Toronto, 1962-66;
Prof. of Botany, Miami Univ., 19BG
Dbsertation--"The Taxonomy of Certain Ulotrichalean Algae."
Interests--Teaching, fresh-water phycology, plant morphology; research,
morphology of Ulotrichales, ecology of soil algae.
MCLEAN, ROBERT JAMES-b. New Haven, Conn.,
Aug. 15, 1940; Dept. of Biological Sciences,
State Univ. College at Brockport, Brockport, N. Y.
Education R.A., Univ. of Conn.; M.S.; Ph.D., Univ, of Conn.,
1967; N.I.H. Post-doctoral
(with H. C. Bold), 1967-68.
Academic Experie7lce-Assistant Prof. of Biology, State Univ. College
at Brockport, 196~
Honors and Awards--NASA Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 19~3-~; Traineeship
for Botany
Course, Woods Hole, Mass., 1964; Conn. State Graduate Scholarship,
196~-67; N.I.H. Post-
doctoral Fellowship, 1967-68.
Intetests--Algal fine structure, pigmentation, physiology of resistant
algal cells.
METZNER, JEROME-b. New York City, N. Y.,
April 14, 1911; Dept. of Biology, John Jay
College City Univ., New York, N. Y.
Education--B.A., City College of N.Y., 1932; M.A., Columbia Univ.,
1933; Ph.D., 1914.
Academic ExpeTience-Instruct~·r of Biology, Bronx High School
of Science, 1944-50;
Chairman, I~pt. of B·iology, New k'ork City High Schools, 1950-~7;
Prd. of Biology, John Jay
College City Univ., 1967-
Honors and Awards--Sigma Xi, Science Expert and Administrative Officer
of the U. S.
Dept. o~ Army Educational Commission to Korea.
Dissertation--"A Morphological and Cytdogical Study of a New Form of
Intel·ests-Teaching, cell biology, human biology; research,
cell biology, pmtozoology, phy-
MILLER, MARCIA MADSEN-b. Santa h/lonica,
Calif., May 31, 1944; Graduate Student, Dept. of
Botany, UCLA.
EcEucQtion--B.S., Univ. of Calif., Davis, Calif., 1965; M.A., 1986;
Pre-doctoral (one se-
mester, with H. C. Bold), Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1966.
Academic Erperience--Graduate student at Dept. of Botany, UCLA.
Honors and Awards--Turtox, Croasdale Scholarship to Woods Hole, summer
of 1985.
Interests--Teaching, cell physiology; research, chloroplast development
and photosyn-
Mo., Jan. 26, 1941; Dept. 04 Biology, Southwest
Mo. College, Springfield, Mo.
Education--B.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1963; M.A. (with H. C. Bold),
1965; Ph.D., North
Texas State Univ., 1969.
Academic Experience--Curator of algal cultures, Ind. Univ., 1965-66;
Assistant Prof. of
Biology, Soutl~west Mo. State College, 1969-
Honors and Awards--NSF Research Fellowship, North Texas State Univ.,
1965; Sigma Xi.
Thesis--"Some Soil Algae from Bastrop State Park, Texas."
Interests--Dispersal of viable microorganisms by aquatic insects; measurement
of produc-
tivity in aquatic ecosystems; the effects of pollution on ecology of
inland and est~arine waters;
ecology, physiology, and distribution of fresh-water and soil algae.
MONROE, JAMES H.-b. Marietta, Okla., Aug.
m, 1938; Dept. of Viral Biophysics, John L.
Smith Memorial for Cancer Research, Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc.,
Maywood, N. J.
Education--B.A., Univ. of Texas, 1959; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience--Research Scientist, Dept. of Viral Biophysics;
John L. Smith Me-
morial for Cancer Reseach, Charles Pfizer & Co.
DISSERTATION-((SOIII Aspects of Morphogenesis and Ultrastructure in
Interests--Viral oncology and ultrastructural pathology of tumors.
MULLAHY, REV. J. A.-Dept. of Biology, Loyola
Univ., New Orleans, La. o.i.n.a.
OUTLAND, RODERICI; H.-Northwestern State
College, Natchitoches, La. o.i.n.a.
PARKER, BRUCE COVELL-b. Rockingham, Vernlont,
June 20, 1933; Dept. of Biology, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
EducQtion--B.S. (Gum laude), Tufts Univ., 1955; M.S., Yale Univ., 1957;
Ph.D., Univ. of
Texas, Austin, 19~0.
Academic Experience--Visiting Biologist, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
summer, 1960;
Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, 1961-65; Associate
Prof. of Botany,
Washington Univ., 1965-~i9; Prof. of B~atany, Va. Polytechnic Institute,
Honors and Awards--NSF Post-doctoral Fellow, Univ. College London,
1960-61; Secretary-
Treasurer, Phycological Society of America, 1965-87; Vice President,
1968; President, 1969;
Darbaker Prize in Phycology, 1970.
Disse7tation-"Environmenital Investigations of the Relationships of
Certain So41 Algae with
Their Associated Microorganisms."
Interests-Experimental phycology, microbial ecology, phylogeny, and
Texas, April 8, 1939; Dept. of Biology, Univ. of
Southern Miss., Hattiesburg, Miss.
Education--B.S., Sam Houston State College, 1981; M.A., 1963; Ph.D.,
Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 1968~
Academic ExpeTience-Instructor, Angleton Independent School System,
1483-65; As-
sistant Prof. of Biology, Univ. of Southern Miss., 1968-
Honors and Awards--Dow Chemical Co. Scholarship, 1964; Sigma Xi, N.I.H.
in Environmental Health and Engineering, 1986.
Dissertation--"Field and Laboratory Investigation of Zygnemataceous
RIDGWAY, JOHN EDWARD JR.-b. Spangler, Pa.,
March 1, 1940; Dept. of Biology, Washington
Univ., St. Louis, Mo.
Education--B.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1961; Ph.D., 1965.
Academic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Botany, Washington Univ., 1965-
; Curator of
Bryophytes, Mo. Botanical Garden, 1965-
Honors and Awards Dresident, Central State Electron Microscope Society,
Dissertation--Soome Aspects of Morphogenesis, Biotic Coaction, and
Ultrastructure in the
Genus Anthoceros."
Interests-Environm~ental, cytological, and ultrastructural aspects
of morphogenesis in
cryptogams with emphasis on gam~togenesis, sporolgenesis and fertilization.
SAWA, TAKASHI-b. Osaka, Japan, Aug. 4,
1929; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Educati~rt--B.S., Osaka Univ., 1955; Ph.D., Univ. of Louisville, 1965;
Post-doctoral re-
search associate (with H. C. Bold), Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1965-g6.
Academic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Biology, Sam Houston State College,
Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. of Toronto, 196&
Honors and Awards-Post-doctoral Research Associate, Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 19~5-66.
Interests--Teaching, phycology and cytology; research, taxonomy, cytology
and paleontol-
ogy of the Charophyta.
SHEN, EUGENE Y. F.-b. Soochow, China, March
20, 1915; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Texas,
Austin, Texas.
Education--B.S., Soochow Univ., China, 1936; M.S., 1940; M. A., Ind.
Univ., 1953; Ph.D.,
Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1966.
Academic ExpeTience-Assistant Pro. to Prof. and Head of Botany Dept,
National Taiwan
Univ., 1948-65; Associate Prof. of Bidlogy, Tarleton State College,
196~-67; Associate Prof. of
Biology, Wisconsin State Univ., 1967-88; research scientist, Univ.
of Texas, Austin, 196~j-
Honors and Awards--Sigma Xi, Fulbright Scholarship, 1951-53 and 19612~64.
Dissertatiorl~-"Morphogenetic 'and Cytological `Investigation of Chara
contraria and C. zey-
lan iccl."
Interests--Phycology and cell biology.
Contributions in Phycology
SINGH, KAMALA PRASOD-b. Girdkot, Allahabad,
India, July 20, 1925; Albany Villa, Naini Tal,
UP. India.
Education--B.Sc., Banaras Hindu Univ., 1947; M.Sc., 1949; Pre-doctoral
education (with
H. C. Bold), 1952r55.
Academic Experience-Assistant Prof. of Biology (o.i.n.a. ).
Honors and Awards--Indian Phycological Society.
DissertQtion-"Studies in the Genus Trachelomonas Ehrb."
Interests-Teaching, phycology; research, cytotaxonomy of the Charophyta.
Calif., March 14, 1939; Dept. of Botany, Eastern
Ill. Univ., Charleston, Ill.
Education--B.A., Univ. of Calif., Davis, Calif. (Cum laude), 1961;
Licensed Medical
Technologist, traineeship, St. Joseph Hospital, Burbank, Calif., 1962;
Ph.D., Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 1965.
Academic Erperience-Assistant Prof. of Botany, Eastern Ill. Univ.,
Honors and Awards-Sigma Xi, NDEA Pre-doctoral Fellow.
Dissertation-"Morphological, Taxonomic and Physiological Investigations
of the Algal
Genera EremosphaeTa and Oocystis."
Interest- Teaching, phycology, microbiology; research, nitrogen
metabolism in algae,
comparative nutritional studies with algae, algal flora of bark, soil
algae of east-central Ill.
STARR, RICHARD CAWTHON-b. Greensboro, Georgia,
Aug. 24, 1924; Dept. of Botany, Ind. Univ.,
Bloomington, Ind.
Eclucation--B.S., Ga. Southern College, 1944; M.A., Peabody College,
1947; Ph.D., Van-
derbilt Univ., 1952.
Academic Experience-Instructor in Botany, Ind. Univ., 195253; Assistant
Prof., 1953-57;
Associate Prof., 1957-fSO; Prof., 1960- ; instructor in Marine
Botany course at Woods Hole,
Mass., summer, 1952-55, 57-58; in charge of course 1959L63.
Honors and Aioards--l)arbaker Prize, 1955; Fulbright Fellow (pre-doctoral),
Univ., 195~51; Guggenheim Fellow, 1959; Botanical Society of America,
Secretary, 1984-69;
Phycological Society of America, President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer; Intema-
tional Phycological Society, Secretary, 1964-88.
Interests--Director of the culture collection ofalgae at Ind. Univ.;
cultivation of the algae
with special interest in colonial Volvocales; cellular differentiation
in Volvox.
SUN, ELAINA, SI-CHIN LIU-b. Si-an, China,
Dec. 24, 1939; Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo,
Education--B.S., Taiwan National Univ., 1963; M.A., Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 1966.
Academic Experience--Graduate student, Dept. of Botany, Purdue Univ.,
1966-67; re-
search aid, Dept. of Biology, Western Mich. Univ., 1970-
Honors and Awards--Sigma Delta Epsjlon.
Thesis--"Studies of East Texas Soil Algae with Special Reference to
THOMAS, RUTH B.-Dept. of Biology, Sam Houston
State College, Huntsville, Texas.
DtsseTtation-"Reproduction in Pinus uirginiana Miller."
THOMAS, DEMPSEY LEE-b. Macclenny, Fla.,
Feb. 2, 1933; Dept. of Biology, La. State Univ. at
New Orleans, New Orleans, La.
Education--B.S.A., Univ. of Fla., 1955; M.Ag., Univ. of Fla., 1958;
Ph.D., Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 1968 (with R. M. Brown).
AccFdemic E 2Cp erience--Ins tructor of Biology, Saratosa High School,
195~64; Biology Con-
sultant, Univ. of Madras, India, 1964; Assistant Prof. of Biology,
Concordia College, Austin,
Texas, 1965-67; Assistant Prof. of Biology, La. State Univ. at New
Orleans, 1968-
Dissertation-"Morphological and Biochemical Taxonomy of the Algae Genus
Interests-Morphology and biochemical systematics of algae, plant physiology.
Parker and Brown
TRAINOR, FRANCIS R.-b. Pawtucket, R. I.,
Feb. 11, 1929; Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Conn.,
Storrs, Conn.
Education--B.S., Providence College, 1950; M.A., Vanderbift Univ.,
1953; Ph.D., 1957.
Academic Experience-Instructor of Biology, Univ. of Conn., 1957-60;
Assistant Prof.,
1960-64; Associate Prof., 1964-67; Prof., 19ti7-
Honors arLd Awards-Distinguished Faculty Award in Teaching, Univ. of
Conn., 196~2;
Darbaker Award, 1965; Phycological Society of America, Vice President,
196'1; President, 1968.
Dissertation--"A Comparative Study of Sexual Reproduction in Four Species
of ChlQmy-
~Interests-Nutrition, structure, and sexuality in green algae and diatoms.
UHLIK, DAVID JAMES-b. Cleveland, Ohio,
June 26, 1945; graduate student, Univ. of Mo.,
Columbia, Mo.
Education--B.S., St. Edwards Univ., 1987; M.A., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Academic Experience--Graduate Student at Univ. of Mo., currently working
toward a
Ph.D. on the genetics of Chlamydomonas under Dr. C. S. Gowans.
Thesis--"Studies in ChlamzJdomonas; A. Mutagenesis in C. chEamydogama,
B. Two New
Species of CiLlamydomonas."
Interests--Genetics of the fiagellar apparatus in ChlamrJdomonas eugametos.
Houston, Texas; Dept. of Environmental Engineer-
ing and Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, Texas.
Educatio·n-B.A., Sam Houston State College, 19~6~; M.S., Univ.
of Texas, 1969 (with R.
M. Brown).
Academic Experience--Research technician, Dept. of Environmental and
Civil Engineering,
Texas A&M Univ., 1968-
Thesis--'"raxonomy and Ultrastructure of the Algal Genus Pyrobotrys."
Intel~'ests-Isolation and culturing of algae from waste stabilization
WALNE, PATHICIA L.-b. Newark, N. J., Nov.
27, 1932; Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Tenn., Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Education--B.S., Hanover College, 1954; M.S., Ind. Univ., 19S9; PbD.,
Univ. of Texas,
Austin, 1965.
Academic Experience-Post-doctoral research associate, Cell Research
Institute and Dept.
of Botany, Univ. of Texas, 1965-68; Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ.
of Tenn., 1966-69;
Associate Prof. of Botany, 1969- ; consultant, Biology Division,
Oak Ridge National Labora-
Honors and Awards--Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi; N.T.H. Pre-doctoral Fellowship,
NSF Sum-
mer Fellowship; Univ. of Texas Graduate Fellowship; Turtox Croasdale
Fellowship in Marine
Botany; Post-doctoral Research Associate, Univ. of Texas, Austin; Editor,
Phycological News-
Dissertation-"Cellular Organization in Chlamydomonas and the Effects
of Colchicine."
Interests-- Teaching, phycology, cell biology, experimental cytology;
research, development
and characterization of eye spots in euglenoid and chlamydomonad flagellates,
physiological and serological study of developments in euglenoid and
chlamydomonad flagel-
WATSON, MELVIN WILLIAM-b. Louisville, Ky.,
Sept. 29, 1949, graduate student; Dept. of
Botany, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Education--B.S., Univ. of Louisville, 19Ci4; M.S., 1967; Ph.D., Univ.
of Texas, Austin, 1970
(with H. G. Arnott).
Dissertation-"Ultrastructural Aspects of Development in Microthamnion."
In~erests-Experimental phycology, especially ultrastructure and development
of syn-
chronous cultures.
WIEDEMAN, VARLEY-Dept. Of Biology, Univ. of Louisville, Ky. o.i.n.a.