September 11, 2001

ONE Year Later.....


Music created in honor of those
fallen at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93
Click on the photo icons below to play or download the mp3 files of the music. It is free for you to copy and enjoy and give to your friends. These files are safe to download.

"The Calm after the Storm....Reflections"
two variations back to back on the same mp3 file (3,042k)


"Feelings and Memories, They do not go away"

"Mourning Friends and Family"
Thinking about them one year later (1,216k)

Have Faith and Courage
Be thankful for each day (3,098k)

"We Shall Endure"

Your comments on the music and webpages would be most appreciated. Contact me by clicking HERE
Return to RM Brown's September 11 revisited website- Click HERE
Return to R.M. Browns's September 11 original website-Click HERE
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Go to RM Brown's music site-Click  HERE

created September 8, 2002
by R. Malcolm Brown, Jr.