The Prize
© R. Malcolm Brown, Jr.
It is known worldwide
That Alfred Nobel did give
Prizes for deeds done
Now what do these mean?
How can they do so much good?
It's not the winning
Of these great prizes
That brings notoriety
To their known winners
It's the bold spin-off
That can be put to good use
If only the prize
Is humbly conceived
By its noble, good winners
Then humanity
Will see the goodness
Take Mandella and deKlerk
Former enemies
Now together one
They both lead their new nation
On a path of peace
Equal, black and white
No more discrimination
Yes, the Nobel Prize
So duly deserved
By these two thoughtful leaders
May have saved a place
For those to cherish
Together those black and white
Can accomplish peace!
May 28, 1994
The Nobel Prize is one of the most cherished prizes. It
brings instant fame to the winner, yet, little thought is given to how
the winner/s might use the newfound benefits of the prize. Rather than
self-gratification, this recognition often goes far beyond the winner.
For instance, Mother Teressa unselfishly continues to give of herself to
help the poor and indigent people in India. The recent dramatic changes
in South Africa inspired the author to reflect upon how two men, one a
former president, and the other his former prisoner, came to reverse their
leadership roles in government and yet keep harmony and peace. Perhaps
the Nobel Peace Prize served to reinforce the tremendous responsibility
to be borne by these two highly intelligent men who could see the future
in a different way, long before the rest of the world would realize.