Coulter Lake
© R. Malcolm Brown, Jr.

In Colorado

Deep in the northwestern woods

Lies a placid lake

High upon a slope

Tired horses dredged a great bowl

Built an earthen dam

This deep mountain lake

Was constructed in the in the midst

Of a vast, wild land

It is still unchanged

Today its clear blue waters

Fed by mountain streams

A place of beauty

To relax and unwind from

Trials of modern life

This place beckons me

To return to its green shores

Here in the mountains

June 3, 1994

Each year, the Brown family would embark on a glorious trip from Pampa, Texas to a beloved vacation spot, Coulter Lake Guest Ranch. Obviously, memories of these times flood back into the author's recall of this beautiful spot high in the White River National Forest, approximately 19 miles north of Rifle, Colorado. The place has remained virtually unchanged for the past 90 years, and the current owners, Norm and Sue Benzinger, plan to keep it that way. This is a very special place on this planet, one which has spoken so often to the author in ways totally unexpected. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

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