THEN- in 1952 with
Mom at the Hammond church organ keyboard
NOW- 2002 In our
home in Austin, only 50 years later!
My goal in this section is to show what 50 years can do with regard to
technology advances. In the first photo above, taken in 1952, we had just
purchased this fabulous Hammond church organ Model C2, Serial
No 43556. It was an electronic marvel and the tones were so beautiful.
Even though we did not have a Leslie speaker at the time since it was not
on the market, we were amazed at the beautiful response. I immediately
took to this organ and learned how to use the foot pedals. Over the coming
years, this organ was moved all over Pampa as I played for the Lion's Club,
the Minstils, my assembly in Junior high school, etc. At that time, little
did I know that a gentleman named, Ikutaro Kakehashi would cross my path
some 50 years later and the connection?... He was involved in the electronic
tone generator and the Hammond Company way back there in time! Of course,
Mr. Kakehashi went on to start his own company in Japan, Ace
Electronics, then later decided to sell his
part and in the 'lean years' started the Roland
Company which is now the most famous and advanced
company devoted to electronic musical instruments.
Take a look at the insides of my Hammond. Note the tone wheel and the vacuum
tubes in the electronics. Note in 3187a that
the organ was 'oiled' in 1952, proof that we had it in our home at the
time. Take a look at the keyboard and drawbars and the foot petals. The
amplifier is in the beautiful cherry wood furniture next to the organ.
What is amazing is that it all still works!
Mr. Kakehashi rekindled my spirits and interests in this organ with his
book published in 2002 entitled, "I Believe in Music" (see below). In this
wonderful story of his life, I learned that Mr. Kakehashi had tuberculosis
and spent more than 3years in a hospital and would have died had it now
been for an opportunity to secure streptomycin, the only antibiotic at
the time to cure TB. We all have close brushes with diasater, but Mr. Kakehashi's
story is one of life and living it to the fullest. To complete the story,
I had the absolute unique opportuity last year to visit him and his wife
in their home in Hammamatsu, Japan. You will see these photos below and
in another link. In his home is a Hammond organ! I wonder why?
Front Cover of Mr. Kakehashi's book
Back cover of the
book. Note that it is published b y Hal-Leonard and the ISBM number is
0-634-03783-8. Absolutely this is required reading!
Mr. Kakehashi's
signature and gift to me, August, 2002. I am very grateful!
click below on the thumbnails to view more images of the early Hammond organ. Also, take a look at Roland's latest, marvel, the KF-90 Digital Electronic Piano that I recently purchased ( no 3196a)
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