M & Ms

No, not exactly candy


"Music and Malcolm"

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Early Contacts with Malcolm and the Music World

All photos are copyrighted. Contact me at rmbrown@mail.utexas.edu for permissions.

In about 1946, Mom purchased a Mason and Hamlin grand piano. Here is that piano at our 1206 Christine Street residence, with a newer model Solovox attached. At the time, Mom had this piano and rented a SECOND Mason and Hamlin grand for me so that we could play a piano duo. The piece was Adelucia, I well remember this and the concert that we gave together in the small town of Pampa, Texas. People really liked classical music then. In fact, we drove more than 100 miles round trip to Amarillo Texas to attend Community Concerts. I shall never forget the visit of Jose Iterbi. What a memorable concert.

Early Malcolm the physician! My dad was a physician and surgeon and he so wanted me to be one also. Indoctrination began early as you can see at this Christmas photo when I was given a doctor's kit at age 2. (1941)

Growing up! Here I am at about age 12 when we lived at 1206 Christine Street in Pampa, Texas.

Here I am about 15 years old at Christine Street. By this time my piano was very important to me. My teacher was Ms. Elise Donaldson who later married and became Mrs. Waters.  She was from Tennessee and was a strict but a very excellent music teacher. She always got mad that I could not read music well since I could learn so much better directly from the ear. My Mom always helped me practice and would play the piece for me.  I could usually remember the piece on the first try. That was my major way to learn the piece and then my music teacher would go over the details and get it ready for recitals. I attended many auditions and usually won most of those even up to the State of  Texas level.

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Clementine at the keyboard of her new Mason & Hamlon grand piano around 1948 but this photo show her footwork with the piano!

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