Redwoods Sequoia National Park, California
Spirit Cathedral
from "Candles at Noon"
Higher than the mist of the morning star.
In ethereal splendor,
Rises the cathedral of our spirit.
Carillons melodious from the heavenly realm, echoing
    across infinities of space,
Becon us to communion.
Cloistered dreams, trailing purple robes,
Chant their disconsolate litanies of hope,
While upon the high alter three candles cast golden
Transmuted by walls evanescent.
As kindrid spirits kneel reverently
To partake of the sacrament of silence,
They are infused with the tremulous knowledge
Of their endless unity,
And about their shoulders falls the shimmering mantle
Of ineffable peace.
Music played by  Malcolm, "Prelude in C# Minor" in honor of Elaine

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