"What would Mr. Cunckel want me
to do?" When faced
with any major decision, this was
the one question I would
always ask myself during those
years when my faith was
As a teenager, I literally worshipped
at his altar. He influ-
enced my spiritual development
more than any other per-
son. He was my pastor during the
last three of my high
school years. I spent much time
in his home, as his daugh-
ter, Helen, was my best friend.
Totally dedicated to Christ and
to His ministry, I can still
see him and feel the intensity
of his purpose as he led the
choir into the sanctuary on Sunday
mornings singing,
"Lead On, O King Eternal ..."
This master of subject matter who
demanded the utmost
from his students introduced me
to the world of science
through his biology class. As a
result of knowing Profes-
sor Buck, I changed my college
major from history to sci-
ence and graduated from the University
with teaching fields
in five areas: zoology, botany,
chemistry, geology and physics.
Had it not been for the force of
his personality and the
interest he generated in my exploring
mind, I would have
missed the opportunity to be a
science teacher in one of
the most significant eras in the
history of mankind: the
space age of the 60's and 70's.
He was small in stature and already
had white hair when
I first met him, although he was
not yet fifty years of age.
As principal of Shidler high school,
he essentially cast the
mold for the teacher I was to become.
By his firm, yet gentle guidance,
he taught me how to en-
force discipline with compassion;
to identify a cry for help
when camouflaged by indifference;
and to distinguish apa-
thy from lack of ability.
All the numerous awards I later
won for outstanding teach-
ing really belonged to this man
who first demonstrated for
me what it means to be a master
Maker of Men
I do not know how people seeming
Can watch this great man work and
Above the daily pettiness and noise
He calmly through confusion walks
with poise,
and teaches more of what we ought
to teach,
By noble living, than all of us
who preach.
As I observe this man whose creed
is Truth,
I see him take reluctant, headstrong
And mold them into men with patient
His inspiration reaches out until
to talk with him or meet him in
the hall
Is to pause awhile and feel my
soul grow tall.
... from Triumphant Moment
Dr. Beamer was my major professor
while I pursued a
master's degree in guidance and
counseling at North Texas
State University in Denton, Texas.
As such, he added a
much needed dimension to my qualifications
as a teacher.
Having been trained and operating
for years in the objec-
tive and impersonal discipline
of science, he taught me
how to integrate a personal interest
in the student with
the rigorous demands of the scientific
Under his direction, Dr. Beamer
enabled me to develop
the skills and techniques which
brought the seeds planted
by Mr. Ward to full fruition. As
a result of his influence I
went on to individualize my classes
so that each student
might progress at his own rate.
In looking back I find that the
people who have had the
greatest influence on my life are
those who were secure in
their roles and therefore able
to give freely of themselves:
their knowledge, their understanding,
their joy, their hu-
mor and their interest.
In science we recognize a phenomenon
known as synergy.
This is the simultaneous action
of two different entities in
which, together, they produce a
greater effect than the sum
of their individual efforts. I
believe this is also true in the
area of human relationships. Surely
this was true of those
whom I have just named.