For reasons I do not understand,
I have always walked in
the sunshine; there have been no
tragedies and few tears.
Often, I have asked, "God,
why me?" There has never been
an answer, so I simply bow in gratitude
for I have been
richly blessed beyond measure.
As I mentioned in the prologue,
this was a century of spec-
tacular change. We placed men on
the moon, successfully
transplanted vital organs, developed
the ability to alter the
genetic code and succeeded in cloning
human embryos.
What is next?
You to whom this book is dedicated
face tremendous chal-
lenges. Our moral values are in
disarray; the ethical di-
lemmas raised by our medical advances
must be resolved;
problems relating to population
increase and pollution
need attention as do other areas
of pressing need.
Change will continue to alter lives.
Therefore, you will need
wisdom and a resiliency of spirit
never required before in
the history of mankind.
I wish there were some talisman
I might give to you to
insure a good life, but that it
not possible. However, I do
offer two guidelines:
(1) Be a giver
for it is only in giving that
you are able to receive.
Give of yourself, give hope, give optimism, give courage
and most of all -- give love!
Always remember that the key
to happiness is in your
In conclusion, I remind you that
an important part of your
heritage is
a deep and abiding faith in God. Accept
it, use
it and pass it on.
Good luck and may God bless you!
Elaine W, Ledbetter