A visit to this famous Japanese
in conjunction with
ICC 2002
The First International Cellulose
Kyoto, Japan, November, 2002
This is the
symbol and theme of the conference. It looks superficially like a Japanese
temple, yes? In reality, these are the
chair forms of glucose, stacked soooo nice! Thank you, Junji
Sugiyama for this beautiful design!
The Story
This page and the ones that follow have reduced photos for the convenience
of more rapid downloads. I want to thank Inder Saxena for sharing many
of his beautiful photos. In fact, a special section of his photos is included.
If you have any questions or desire any of these images, please email me.
They are all copyrighted. You will need my permission or Inder's
permission to use these for any
purpose. However, in the meantime, simply browse through the hundreds of
images and feast your eyes on Kyoto at its best. Those of you who attended
the conference, please feel free to download your own photos for personal
use. I hope you enjoy this. Sorry it took so long to prepare for the "Internet".
March, 2003
Click on the photo above to meet hundreds of
people who attended ICC-2002!
AROUND KYOTO! Click on the photo above to see
various interesting points in and around Kyoto
Visit a most unusual opportunity that awaited
us on the final banquet night! Click on the photo above to enter!
Click on this photo to see our visit to Eikan-do Temple which was at its PEAK for the fall coloration!
Click on the photo of Inder and David to see
photos Inder made on this trip! Excellent
Click on Kyomizu Temple photo above to see some
really interesting photos of this temple and surrounds
Click on the above photo of me with Dr. Shigeru
Yamanaka to visit Murin-An