Address : Department of Botany, The University of Texas at Austin
Position : Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant
Major : Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
E-mail :
Home Page: Heungsop's Home Page
1. B.S. (1987) in agricultural chemistry from Seoul National University
2. M.S. (1990) in biochemistry and molecular biology from KAIST (Kor.
Adv. Inst. Sci. Engr.)
3. 1993. 8. - present : Graduate student of the department of botany
at UT Austin
Job Career
1. 1990. 3. - 1993. 7. : Research Associate in Genetic Engineering
Research Institute (Korea)
2. 1994. 9. - present : Teaching Assistant at UT Austin
1. Krystyna, K., Brown, R.M., Jr., Li, L., Lee, J.H., Shin, H.
and Kuga, S. (1995) Plant Physiol. 107; 111-123.
2. Shin, H., Krystyna, K., and Brown, R.M., Jr. Abstract #298
: A biochemical study on b-glucan synthesis in the cotton fiber. (Presented
in the ASPP meetings at Charlotte, NC, 1995).
03 November 1997