Present Address:
Department of Chemistry and Material Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Shinshu University
500 Wakasato
Nagano 380, Japan
Phone: +81+26-226-4101 ex 3108
Fax: +81+26-228-4295
1977-1981 Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
BS in Technology
1981-1983 Department of Industrial Chemistry, Institute of Technology,
Shinshu University
MS in Technology
Thesis: “Studies on Xylanases from Irpex Iacteus.”
Work supervised by Professor Takahisa Kanda.
1992-1994 Graduate School of Science and Technology
Thesis: “Mode of Action and Transglycosyl Reaction of Xylanase
from White-root Fungi.” Work supervised by Professor Takahisa Kanda.
Research and Professional experience:
1983-1995 Research Associate at Agricultural Technology Institute of
Nagano Farmer’s Federation
1995-present Assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
Technical Experience:
1. Cytology
Plant tissue
culture (mainly Asparagus)
Cell culture
of bacidiomycetes
of mushroom
Screening of
cellulose degradation microorganism
2. Biochemistry
of protein by various chromatography
SDS- and Native-polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis
Enzyme Kinetics
3. Analysis
HPLC for protein
and sugars
Thin layer
Scanning electromicroscopy
Membership of academic societies:
Society for Fermentation
and Bioengineering, Japan
The Japanese Society
of Applied Glycoscience
Japan Society for
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
The Japan Wood Research
The Cellulose Society
of Japan
1. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, M. Kubo, T. Kanda. (1966) Mode of Action
of Exo-?-1,3-Glucanase from Trichoderma pseudokoningii TM37 on Various
?-D-Glucans. Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 74, 261-167.
2. Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa, M. Kubo, T. Kanda. (1966) Production of
Bacidiomycete Lytic Enzyme from Trichoderma pseudokoningii. Nippon
Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 70, 169-172.
3. T. Kanda, Y. Amano. (1995) Mechanism of Enzymatic Degradation of
Native Cellulose. Cell. Commun., 2, 2-7.
4. T. Kanda, Y. Amano, M. Shiroishi, E. Hoshino. (1994) Mode
of Action of Exo- and Endo- Type Cellulase from Fungi in the Hydrolysis
of Various Substrates. Oyo Toushitu Kagaku, 41, 279-282.
5. Y. Amano, M. Okazaki, T. Kanda. (1994) Effects of Substituted Groups
of Aryl ?-D-Xyloside on Transglycosyl Reactions of Two Different Xylanases
from Irpex lacteus. Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 40, 315-320.
6. Y. Amano, M. Mitani, T. Kanda. (1994) Transglycosyl Reactoin of
Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases from Irpex lacteus on Aryl ?-xylosides. Mokuzai
Gakkaishi, 40, 308-314.
7. Y. Amano, T. Kanda, M. Okazaki. (1994) Mode of Action of Two Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases
from Irpex lacteus towards Rice-Straw Xylan. Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 40,
8. Y. Amano, I. Fujita, T. Matsuzawa, M. Okazaki, T. Kanda. (1993)
Enzymatic Synthesis of Lignin Model ?-Glycosides from Xylan by the Transxylosyl
Reaction of Lyophyllum ulmarium ?-Xylanase. Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 39,
9. S. Nishizawa, A. Sakai, Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa. (1993) Cryopreservation
of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Embyogenic Suspension Cells and
Subsequent Plant Regeneration by Vitrification. Plant Science, 91,
10. S. Nishizawa, A. Sakai, Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa. (1992) Cryopreservation
of Asparagus (Asparagaus officinalis L.) Embyogenic Cells and Subsequent
Plant Regeneration by a Simple Freezing Method. Cryo-Letters, 13,
11. Y. Amano, K. Nishizawa, R. Tokoo, T. Matsuzawa, T. Kanda. (1992)
Extracellular Enzymes Produced by Lyophyllum ulmarium (Hypsizigus marmoreus)
in Commercial Cultivation. Mokuzai Gaakkaishi, 38, 411-416.
12. T. Kanda, H. Yatomi, S. Makishima, Y. Amano, K. Nisizawa. (1989)
Substrate Specificities of Exo- and Endo-Type Cellulases in the Hydrolysis
of ?-(1?3)- and ?-(1?4)- Mixed D-Glucans. J. Biochem., 105, 127-132.
13. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, K. Kotagiri, K. Kohno, M. Suzuki, T. Kurata,
N. Arakawa. (1989) Actinidia polygama Maxim Tea as a Source of Ascorbic
Acid. Nippon Eiyo Sokuryo Gakkaishi, 42, 191-193.
14. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, M. Yokoyama, K. Kohno. (1986) Ascorbic
Acid and Chemical Components of Actinmidia polygama Maxim Tea. Nippon
Eiyo Sokuryo Gakkaishi, 39, 63-66.
15. T. Kanda, Y. Amano, K. Nisizawa. (1985) Purification and properties
of Two Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases from Irpex lacteus. J. Biochem., 98,