Yoshihiko Amano
Dr. Amano with his daughters, Mai and Azusa, and his wife Jyunko

Present Address:
Department of Chemistry and Material Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Shinshu University
500 Wakasato
Nagano 380, Japan

Phone: +81+26-226-4101 ex 3108
Fax: +81+26-228-4295
Email: yoamano@mail.utexas.edu


1977-1981 Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
BS in Technology

1981-1983 Department of Industrial Chemistry, Institute of Technology, Shinshu University
MS in Technology
Thesis:  “Studies on Xylanases from Irpex Iacteus.”  Work supervised by Professor Takahisa Kanda.
1992-1994 Graduate School of Science and Technology
Thesis:  “Mode of Action and Transglycosyl Reaction of Xylanase from White-root Fungi.”  Work supervised by Professor Takahisa Kanda.

Research and Professional experience:
1983-1995 Research Associate at Agricultural Technology Institute of Nagano Farmer’s Federation

1995-present Assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University

Technical Experience:

1. Cytology
 *Plant tissue culture (mainly Asparagus)
 *Cell culture of bacidiomycetes
 *Cultivation of mushroom
 *Screening of cellulose degradation microorganism

2. Biochemistry
 *Purification of protein by various chromatography
 *SDS- and Native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
 *Enzyme Kinetics

3. Analysis
 *HPLC for protein and sugars
 *Thin layer chromatography
 *Scanning electromicroscopy

Membership of academic societies:
*Society for Fermentation and Bioengineering, Japan
*The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
*Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
*The Japan Wood Research Society
*The Cellulose Society of Japan


1. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, M. Kubo, T. Kanda. (1966) Mode of Action of Exo-?-1,3-Glucanase from Trichoderma pseudokoningii TM37 on Various ?-D-Glucans.  Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 74, 261-167.
2. Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa, M. Kubo, T. Kanda. (1966) Production of Bacidiomycete Lytic Enzyme from Trichoderma pseudokoningii.  Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 70, 169-172.
3. T. Kanda, Y. Amano. (1995) Mechanism of Enzymatic Degradation of Native Cellulose.  Cell. Commun., 2, 2-7.
4.  T. Kanda, Y. Amano, M. Shiroishi, E. Hoshino. (1994) Mode of Action of Exo- and Endo- Type Cellulase from Fungi in the Hydrolysis of Various Substrates.  Oyo Toushitu Kagaku, 41, 279-282.
5. Y. Amano, M. Okazaki, T. Kanda. (1994) Effects of Substituted Groups of Aryl ?-D-Xyloside on Transglycosyl Reactions of Two Different Xylanases from Irpex lacteus.  Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 40, 315-320.
6. Y. Amano, M. Mitani, T. Kanda. (1994) Transglycosyl Reactoin of Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases from Irpex lacteus on Aryl ?-xylosides.  Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 40, 308-314.
7. Y. Amano, T. Kanda, M. Okazaki. (1994) Mode of Action of Two Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases from Irpex lacteus towards Rice-Straw Xylan.  Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 40, 57-63.
8. Y. Amano, I. Fujita, T. Matsuzawa, M. Okazaki, T. Kanda. (1993) Enzymatic Synthesis of Lignin Model ?-Glycosides from Xylan by the Transxylosyl Reaction of Lyophyllum ulmarium ?-Xylanase.  Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 39, 814-819.
9. S. Nishizawa, A. Sakai, Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa. (1993) Cryopreservation of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Embyogenic Suspension Cells and Subsequent Plant Regeneration by Vitrification.  Plant Science, 91, 67-73.
10. S. Nishizawa, A. Sakai, Y. Amano, T. Matsuzawa. (1992) Cryopreservation of Asparagus (Asparagaus officinalis L.) Embyogenic Cells and Subsequent Plant Regeneration by a Simple Freezing Method.  Cryo-Letters, 13,  379-388.
11. Y. Amano, K. Nishizawa, R. Tokoo, T. Matsuzawa, T. Kanda. (1992) Extracellular Enzymes Produced by Lyophyllum ulmarium (Hypsizigus marmoreus) in Commercial Cultivation.  Mokuzai Gaakkaishi, 38, 411-416.
12. T. Kanda, H. Yatomi, S. Makishima, Y. Amano, K. Nisizawa. (1989) Substrate Specificities of Exo- and Endo-Type Cellulases in the Hydrolysis of ?-(1?3)- and ?-(1?4)- Mixed D-Glucans.  J. Biochem., 105, 127-132.
13. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, K. Kotagiri, K. Kohno, M. Suzuki, T. Kurata, N. Arakawa. (1989) Actinidia polygama Maxim Tea as a Source of Ascorbic Acid.  Nippon Eiyo Sokuryo Gakkaishi, 42, 191-193.
14. T. Matsuzawa, Y. Amano, M. Yokoyama, K. Kohno. (1986) Ascorbic Acid and Chemical Components of Actinmidia polygama Maxim Tea.  Nippon Eiyo Sokuryo Gakkaishi, 39, 63-66.
15. T. Kanda, Y. Amano, K. Nisizawa. (1985) Purification and properties of Two Endo-1,4-?-Xylanases from Irpex lacteus.  J. Biochem., 98, 1545-1554.

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